D-E-S, S-E-D, E-D-S? Which order does your mind prioritise

Where does your thinking go when training? Here are 3 potential places and the impact of each. Next time you are swim, bike or running (or strength or flexibility) have a check-in with yourself and become conscious of your awareness and focus and how it is an aid or a limiter

D – Data: Checking that garmin, pool clock, zwift power number?

  • This is great when you are working on a specific objective and your habit maybe to move outside of a range of intensity. Or your awareness of pacing maybe under developed.
  • Be careful though that the dominance of metrics does not overpower your ability to listen to your body either by placing artificial limits on your potential or driving you to attempt something that may be too reductionist and not account for other factors like temperature, wind, current, or recent training load.

E – Emotions: Motivated, angry, overwhlemed, carefree, loser, winner?

  • How are you feeling? What story is playing in your mind? Where is this coming from? How is it serving to help you? Is it helpful?
  • How we interpret and filter information can have a significant influence on our outlook. There is an interesting parable that you may consider https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Wolves – which are you feeding?

S – Sensations: Aches, heat, looseness, breath, strength, sound

  • What sensations is your body sending you? How are you experiencing this activity within yourself? Can you hear the sharp click of you feet running swiftly on the track, the strength in your legs as you hillclimb on the bike, the breath during your swim?
  • How do these sensations help you perform?


Through this next week, take note of your dominant experiences through your training activities. Where does your attention go? Can you work with these to your advantage?

For private athletes I’d love to hear how this resonates with you – feel free to message the group, DM me or capture in your training comments.