Beginning to look a lot like Xmas….

The festive period can be quite a rollercoaster. For a lot of the group having exercise and being active is a large part of identities and a routine. With changes in locations, opening times of venues like pools, postponement of group sessions combined with other festive activities and commitments it can be an unusual time.

Here are some thoughts for everyone.

Much of the timetable is likely to be outside of your control. That’s ok. Blink and this window of time will suddenly be past. Maybe this is an opportunity to invest in other items and change priorities if training is perhaps too dominant at other times.

Equally if you find that exercise helps you “bring your best self” to occasions then aim to find “time pockets”. These are those moments where things are quiet and you can slip away for 20mins for a quick yoga session, a little longer for a run or an early morning activity whilst others are still tucked up in bed.

Can you combine your activity with others – a group walk that you extend afterwards for a run for example? A run to a central meeting point. Offering to be the non-drinking driver to then tick off an activity afterwards while there are some snoozers? Heading to the shops via a detour on the bike to come back with breakfast/lunch items.

Don’t over think things. Instead be active to the ad-hoc opportunities.

Don’t aim for perfection. Something can be a big step to keeping momentum rather than having to do an exact session. Flexibility is key.

Celebrate the whole day when you manage to integrate activity and find a good balance.

If things don’t go to plan, let go of yesterday to avoid the dwelling and frustration. Things will return to usual only too quickly.

Try to find the opportunity in the change – for some of you it maybe new locations, new training partners who could join you, a new time for activity. For others with less family around or social commitments then using the time as a focus on you and those around you can be an investment and time for some “me time”.

One more post to go before Xmas. Enjoy the build up!