Resilience, when it doesn’t go to plan

Training for endurance sport can have the highest of highs and joys but can equally bring real difficulties. Multi-sports like triathlon, with its three disciplines can be even more so. We spend long periods of time in our mind, alone in our thoughts. Whether during the demands of TT activities or the freedoms during longer sessions. So how can we prepare for when things don’t go to plan?

We can find training for this resilience in various elements of the day to day in life. I know many of you have been taken sick in the last week. This also happened to my family, both my in-laws who we were due to spend Xmas period together, and now my own parents have been hit with covid.

There are many ways these challenges are written about but each has a similar theme. That of refocusing the mind.

Accepting the change or situation, letting go of the original expectations, and then moving into a new frame of mind. In the largest of challenges, this reframe becomes the most difficult, the sense of unfairness often the most powerful, however it is there that we can later find the most significant lessons to learn from.

There are a number of sayings that people use for this.

“When one door closes, another will open”

“What’s for you, won’t go by you” as examples.

During a podcast (The High Performance Podcast) yesterday, the guest referenced the serenity prayer, often used by those working through addiction and recovery. I’ve listed a variation on this from Bartley, which has the same focus on letting go of that which you have no influence and focus your effort on the controllables.

For every ailment under the sun
There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it;
If there be none, never mind it.

However, a classic which is simple. “Every cloud has a silver lining”. In our case, the sickness and cancelled plans although disappointing for the kids as most of the gifts are in Dorset, means we focus less on the gifts and more on the activities. They also know they will likely get a little more as we backfilled some items for Xmas morning here. Also after more than 10+ years I’ve managed to source some scaffolding to borrow during the builder friends Xmas break and I can finally paint the high ceiling that you all see on the video calls!

For those working through different challenges, take some time, can you let go of the frustrations. With some space and time are you able to find your own silver linings and a way to reframe your focus – doesn’t need to be DIY 🙂